Thursday, January 28, 2010

I do NOT put my cocaine in there.....

Interesting story......

So after a glorious day at the Magic kingdom (If you haven't been in a while, you really should go; it truly is the happiest place on earth, but that's neither here nor there)I was driving home exhausted. I was at a stop light and I got a text. What? I should feel guilty, because I was checking a text in my car....what if it was an emergency?(said in my best old Jewish lady accent). So out of my peripheral vision I saw a green light and I proceed with caution, to my dismay it was the left hand turn signal that was green and not my go ahead so I stopped. When I checked my rear view mirror to see if it was safe for me to roll back a little and I saw a cop car *Rats*. I wasn't wearing my seat belt either (I know, I know) and I was petrified, so when the light finally turned green I took off slowly; I wanted to make it easy for the cop if he was going to pull me over and he DID. When I pulled into the nearest parking lot, it was dark so I thought I would motion like I was taking off my seat belt just in case he didn't see that part hahahaha, no really I did =)

Officer: Good evening, how are you doing? Can I see your license?

Me: I'm doing great officer, thank you for asking and how about yourself? (I always hope that I can score a few exta points if I am really polite.)

Officer: I'm good thanks, so you rolled into that intersection even though I was right next to you huh?

Me: Uhm yes sir, I jumped the gun when I saw the left hand turn light go green, it was a mistake.

Officer: How much have you had to drink tonight?

Me: None at all, I'm just exhausted, I spent all day at Disneyland sir.
Officer: That might explain your confusion when you saw the red light and decided to go, right? (Points to the metal capsule around my neck) Is that where you keep your cocaine?

Me: WHAT?!?! No way, I keep a prayer scroll close to my heart all the time (Unscrews it and handed it to him) see? I promise, I'm a good guy officer.

Officer: Have a good night and drive safely Mr. Carrillo.

You know when I saw this piece of jewelry I just had to have it; I just fell in love with the designer's story and the thought behind it and not just because it was at Kitson and the Kardashians shop there LOL! I like it, because it's a conversation piece and the conversations always seem to start the same "hey, do you put your weed in there?", I usually say no, it's my grandma's ashes and then when they feel bad I let em' off the hook and tell them what it really is. I love sharing that I always carry a little piece of God close to me; plus it got me out of a ticket, how cool is that? LOL.......jussssssssst keeeeeeeding =)


  1. BEST STORY EVER!!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG JR!!! It's me, Karen from RHS! let's see, maybe this will spark your memory... "Jun Bunna Jun Bunna where my freakin books! " lolololol..

    say hi to your sis for me!

    hugs!- karen

  2. I'm so glad you decided to do this. Maybe I'll be inspired someday. I love your wit, sharp comments and all around happy nature. You make me smile!

    Joy Talbot-Olea

  3. You crack me up Boba!! I can totally picture you talking to that officer that way. Ahhh....see you have God close to your heart.
