Thursday, January 21, 2010

Come in.....

For those of you who don't know me, I am J.R. and the pleasure is all mine. Please know that if you made it here safely and are taking the time to read this that I truly appreciate you already. About me...I am ultra fascinated by people and why we do what we do and I can watch them interact for hours, but not in a stalker kinda' way. I don't want to miss out on anything life has to offer or take advantage of what has been afforded to me, so keep me honest.

So I am pretty new to all of this blogging business, but I feel like I am destined for bigger and better things and I figure maybe having an open ended coversation with who knows might help me out, right? At one point in my life I used to keep a journal and I would listen to Jewel, Joane Osborne, Tori Amos and write in it, because I was "DEEP" hahaha. Not so much anymore, I'm a big boy now and I have big boy dreams like being on reality TV and starting a small business. Lofty....I know =)

So let's do this....I'm not sure how often this will get updated, what it's contents will be when I do update it, but rest assured it will always be a little random (I think I have adult ADD, only I have never taken the test, because I don't want to confirm officially). Please feel free to comment, add your random thoughts, good, bad or ugly. Thanks for stopping by.......hit the lights when you are done.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for wanting a place to express yourself other than FB. I am proud of you and now your new blog is located in my "favorites". You are a good boy (and to me you always will be a "boy) and I look forward to learning more about J.R.
    Linda Matkins
