Monday, January 25, 2010


Some stranger smiled at me the other day. I was driving into the Target parking lot and she was driving out; our eyes met, and she took the time to smile. As super cheesy as this sounds, it warmed my heart and made me feel good for a long while that day. Sometimes with our busy little lives, we go through our day with our tasks and only find time to smile when we have checked off our long to-do lists; at the end of the day who is there to share that with you? Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ear, hahahaha make time to smile; you truly never know who's day you are making by doing so.

My crazy girlfriend (not that type, you know like heyyy girrrrrl-friend) used to amaze me at her ability to start a conversation with strangers and I used to think that I could never do that myself, she's nuts! Now, I am not saying go start convo with randoms; I would feel horrible if something happened to ya, but I have learned to not be so shy when I want to pay a stranger a compliment. This could be the easiest way to make someones frown turn upside down. But JR, someone elses happiness is not my responsibility??? So what suckas, pay it forward; you know how awesome you feel when someone points out something good about you, right? Do it!

......don't forget to watch ABC's The Bachelor at 8am PST tonight. Smiles

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