Thursday, February 4, 2010

Adult warning......

Hahaha I just realized how bad it looks everytime I access my blog and you need to accept the "Adult Content" warning; like if after you click accept that all these chicks with big boobs are gonna come flying at ya! I dunno, I am a good person, but sometimes I like to say the F word, is that bad? LOL Never in anger I s'pose. Actually my real intentions in putting the warning button (which I didn't think was going to be quite so huge) was that when I decided to do all this blogging business that good, bad or ugly I was going to be honest and share all of me.

Who knows, with technology moving as fast as it is these days, you may just be able to pull up my little bwains in a menu and be able to read my thoughts, but if that doesn't happen I would like to be able to look back at some point and remember who I was at this point in my life. That would really blow if I am only around for a short while longer huh? Just sayin.... Oh NOOOOO something ALWAYS happens to someone who says something like that and then when they are doing my story on Dateline NBC Chris Hanson will say......"Ironically JR recently blogged that he might not be around much longer". Then someone will cry and say it was all there, we should have seen the signs hahahahaha I know I'm sick that I allow my mind to wander so and NOOOO, I never want it to end and I want to live a very long time (great another thing that Chris Hanson will mention after my untimely demise, kidding, kidding). Gosh is it Friday yet? Much love....

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