Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quirk #121........I don't like Enchiladas, even if my mother made them!

So I have been a little uninspired lately, but my blog is never far from my heart; so in the mean time I figured I might start giving you a little more insight into me and who I am.

I don't like enchiladas. I know they are good right? Who doesn't love cheesy goodness wrapped in a tortilla like that; heaven forbid they have meat in them yum! For those of you who do not know, my mother is an amazing cook and along with Fried chicken and potato salad this is one her most requested dishes to be made on any occasion. I know you are prolly thinkin, but JR, you are Latin? I know. I know you are thinkin, but JR, not only are you Latin, but you are chubby and Latin? I KNOW RIGHT? LOL

Ever since I was little when someone would die, I would come home from school and the blender would be going, there would be tortillas everywhere and my mom's fingers would be stained orange from rolling enchiladas. My mom used to say they were the most economical things to make in bulk to take to a grieving family or to the reception. Once I got hip to the operation, if I came home from school and saw the evidence, my heart would sink and I would ask "who died?" =(. Ever since then, good or not I have always associated the dish with death, crazy huh? I don't like enchiladas!!!


  1. Yea I know what you mean... but think of it this way: if your mom wasn't an amazing cook, ppl would not request it no matter how economic they are to make! Next time you see em just think of them as a way for her to bring a little joy (and yumminess) to ppl in need of a smile :)

  2. I think my mom and your mom are related because that is the most requested item for her as well. Even though I do still like them, I guess I am not a big of a fan of them like I used to be, but only because she is constantly making them for people for their parties, gatherings, funerals, and what not. So I totally get that you don't like them anymore. When I see her making them I'm like, really? Again? LOL! -Anissa :)

  3. Dude cheese is expensive! ahahaha!
    Mom's nuts!
