Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Cast: Moose

When Robie was born, his head looked like an aspirin. My sister Rene had complications right up to the bitter end in fact. He was to be born premature and refused to come out; it was because of this, that the doctor had to pull out the Shop-Vac and suck that little rascal out. It was due to the vacuum that caused the elongation of his head and being inexperienced, I remember looking at my mom and whispering "Uhhhhm, is it gonna stay like that??? Ya know??". Hahahaha she assured me that it would not and after a few short weeks I fell in love with a beautiful, perfect skulled first nephew.

Of course I am biased, because he is mine, but he was soooo adorable and we all fought over him when he was an infant. Tiffany used to smother the boy when he got a little bit older asking him always "Who is the cutest nephew, ever in life?!" and he would only stay long enough to smile and answer "me", before scurrying off. I, myself took a slightly different approach.....I had that "get outta here kid, ya bother me" type relationship. It was this starvation for his uncle's attention that made my sweet Goose want to cling to my side and I loooooooooooved it. Tiff used to always say " I don't know why he always wants to be around you, you are so mean to him." All strategy and it paid off, just like I knew it would.

Robie grew up quick from the 2 year old TV Toddler that loved the Sit and Sleep commercial, because his favorite was exclaiming "or your mattress is fweeeee!" into a cute OCD kid obessed with skateboards and washing his hands. His heart so big, with his best friend always being Cheyenne, even being 6 years his elder. I knew he was special, when he was 7 and cancelled a trip to Disneyland when he realized that Cheyenne had practice and she wouldn't be able to make it; I thought, what a little weirdo as I put my Mickey ears away for the day, but it truly made my heart smile at the amount of love he had in his heart for his sissy.

Oh where did the time go Moose, already playing high school football, your voice has changed and even have a little stache hahaha. It seems like only yesterday, you were in 7th grade and whenever I asked "hey, do you have hair under your arms yet?" you would smile and say "no, I wish!". You have made me proud over and over again from being a star athlete to your many academic achievements. Despite all of the changes and growing that you have done, there are still some things that have remained constant, your best friend is still your big sister, you are just as entertaining today as you were when you were that 3 year old begging for my attention and you still have such a beautiful heart of gold. Remember, you are never too old to give your favorite uncle hugs n kisses and if you think that you are, I will hang you from your wedgie on a flagpole in front of your school. Love you always and I'm so glad your little Tylenol head went back to normal.

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