Friday, November 11, 2011

So I have a question.......

Which is better......someone who sweet and kind, yet from time to time has crazy thoughts flash through their mind or someone who is not as nice, but says what they want when they want?

I was scratching my head the other day, after reading what was an amazing lists of tremendous birthday wishes, all of which made me feel absolutely warm n fuzzy and I noticed there were some reocurring themes. Adjectives used like nicest, kindest, sweetest, funniest and as good as it made me feel, I couldn't help but ponder....oh boy, if they only knew what runs through me bloody head sometimes LOL. I try to live my life like this every day, I strive to be the change that I would like to see in the world, but I can't lie, sometimes I want to run people's faces over or give em' a swift kick in the teeth when they've got it coming to them. Sometimes people irk me to no end, but they might never know, because I just think if it's not positive and not moving us forward then why bother???

Then that also got me thinking, what about the folks that do say what's on their mind. Is it really bad that someone might shoo someone else away or at least find a way to let them know they might not enjoy their presence? Is it really worth gasping over when I read someone's facebook post and think, dude that is sooooo mean and I would never publish something like that; even though I have thought about the very same thought before?

Then I got to thinking even further....Oh myyyyy, maybe I am this 2 faced goody goody liar pants and am not the sweetest or kindest person ever hahaha. Oh brother!!!