Thursday, December 23, 2010

For your listening pleasure...........Quirk #127

Most people know that despite the fact that I am self proclaimed just OK driver, that I LOVE to drive and when I am a passenger I feel like I am useless and should be doing something. Did you know that 99% of the time, that before I pick you up that I have thought about what music should play, to set the mood for our trip? That's right friends............. tis' no coincedence then when I have to pick you up to go somewhere that you always catch the beginning of the song; most times if you have something exciting to share I will restart the song, never pause it, cause I feel like your story deserves a soundtrack and don't enjoy silence. Did you also know that it absolutely makes my skin crawl when people change my radio stations or pick up my iPod to look for something better to put on LOL Scary right?!?!? Don't be afraid to speak up though, I know it's my own weird anxiety I gotta work through..... I'm just sayin =)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I am so sorry it has taken this long to say it..........

Dearest J.R.,

I get it now and from the bottom of my heart I sincerely apologize it has taken this long, but I love you. I can not explain why when you have been blessed by so many amazing people who love you, why I have neglected and left you to feel so alone. We hear people say all the time that we can't truly love someone else until we love ourselves and for so many years I have felt like we were the exception; like I understand that works for most, but I can be content to get by, fake it till we make it and be ok. Shit, I truly feel like the worst friend ever, because I have spent my life making us so accessable to everyone else, but you and I feel awful.
Please know that things are about to change, I do love you, I know it only took 33 years, but better late than never right? You do pretty well J.R., you work hard, you are nice to people, I guess you can be pretty funny sometimes (ok I'm sorry for also openingly saying that I probably wouldn't be able to be friends with myself before). I think it's kind of ironic, that someone with so much can feel so out on a limb flying solo for so long, but know that I take responsibility for that and will not allow that to be the case ever again. I love you J.R., I love you for who you are, all your flaws & imperfections and we should be more open to the idea of people loving us much more than we lead on. I love you, but I'm not in love you LOL I had to say it.....come on!

Love Always,

Your Best Friend For Life....Me =)